Which other organism do Hawaiian bobtail squid rely on for safety while foraging at night?
Honeybees feed on nectar and pollen, which they collect from flowers. How does a bee that’s found a patch of flowers tell other bees in the hive where this patch is?
How do elephantfish - which live in the dark, murky waters of the Congo River - search for mates?
How has increased tourism in certain areas caused problems for the communication systems of killer whales?
When fighting over food or mates, how do crayfish communicate their strength to rivals?
There is a special protein which makes male mice attractive to female mice. It’s named after a famous dashing hero from romantic literature, but which one?
At night, field crickets ‘sing’ to attract females by rubbing their wings together. For field crickets living on the Hawaiian island of Kauai, what is one risk associated with singing?
In which bird species do females prefer males that sound like other bird species?
The majority of frog species rely on vocal communication, croaking and chirping to deter rivals and attract mates. The Panamanian golden frog, however, is partially deaf. How does this species communicate?
Instead of running away when a predator is spotted, some deer and gazelle stay where they are and jump up and down on the spot. Why?
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