Can war be a good thing? Take this further...
Can war be a good thing? By now, you know this is a really difficult question and you could spend years delving deeper! If this has inspired you to do just that, here are some suggested subjects you could study at a university like Oxford.
- Classics
- Classics (Literae Humaniores) is a wide-ranging degree devoted to the study of the literature, history, philosophy, languages and archaeology of the ancient Greek and Roman worlds. It is one of the most interdisciplinary of all subjects, and offers the opportunity to study two foundational ancient civilisations and their reception in modern times. Find out more.
- Economics and Management
- Economics studies how consumers, firms and governments make decisions that together determine how resources are allocated. An appreciation of economics helps to make sense of government policy-making, the conduct of businesses and the enormous changes in economic systems which are occurring throughout the world. Management is concerned with the effective use and coordination of materials and labour within organisations in the pursuit of the organisation’s defined objectives. It considers the interrelationship and interactions between distinct parts of an organisation, and between the organisation and its environment. Find out more.
- History
- The study of History at Oxford combines the examination of large regions over extended periods of time with more focused work on smaller groups, shorter periods and particular problems. It provides a distinctive education by developing an awareness of differing political, cultural, social and economic structures in past societies and their interrelationship. It combines vigorous debate over questions of interpretation with rigorous attention to the source materials. Its constant enrichment by cross-fertilisation from other disciplines leads to new questions about the past. Find out more.
- Philosophy, Politics and Economics
- Studying Philosophy, you will develop analytical rigour and the ability to criticise and reason logically, and be able to apply these skills to questions concerning how we acquire knowledge or make ethical judgements. The study of Politics provides a thorough understanding of the impact of political institutions on modern societies. It helps you to evaluate the choices that political systems must regularly make, to explain the processes that maintain or change those systems, and to examine the concepts and values used in political analysis. Economics is the study of how consumers, firms and government make decisions that together determine how resources are allocated. An appreciation of economics has become increasingly necessary to make sense of governmental policy-making, the conduct of businesses and the enormous economic transformations throughout the world. Find out more.
These are just some ideas, and if you are considering Higher Education you should carefully weigh up your options to choose the course and university that are right for you! You could try further suggested reading and resources.