In which of these Southern Asian countries can you not currently be imprisoned for same-sexual sexual activity?
Which of the following books are controversial?
What did the 1969 Stonewall riots in New York lead to?
What country made history in 2015 by being the first country to bring about same-sex marriage by popular vote?
Which famous Roman general was called pathicus, a mock Latin term for the submissive partner in a same-sex relationship?
Which Roman emperor had his boyfriend made a god?
Which political system that came from ancient Greece started with a same-sex love triangle?
Which famous writer and dramatist wrote 126 love poems to a ‘fair youth’?
Who was the real-life WWII mathematician hero that Benedict Cumberbatch played in the film ‘The Imitation Game’?
What symbol did LGBT people imprisoned in Nazi concentration camps have to wear?
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