icl yeahI think its really important to find value in both money and everyday life which obviously takes a lot of effort modulating the positives7 Nov 20241 month agoThis comment has been flagged
icl yeahi just be modulating7 Nov 20241 month agoThis comment has been flagged
arshthebossIt is important to find the balance between helping others and spending on yourself. Neither one should be neglected.9 Apr 20213 years agoThis comment has been flagged
xo.amaraxoif you were to buy something that made you happy then yes to an extent it an but you should still be happy around friends not just money13 May 20204 years agoThis comment has been flagged
ligma has strukMoney buys happiness to an extent13 Feb 20204 years agoThis comment has been flagged
francoisAn excessive amount of money will awaken greed, which is then accompanied by corruption and displease. Otherwise, money can buy security.1 Jan 20204 years agoThis comment has been flagged
kimmmoney is good if you are not a fool and dont let it steal your life. only a fool will lose themselves in money2 May 20195 years agoThis comment has been flagged
tristanI'll admit that money doesn't buy happiness but I would definitely say that it help, and also prevents you from being too unhappy :)30 Nov 20186 years agoFlag comment for review
peterMisconception is that experiences are 'free' sources of happiness. Experiences are intangible but cost money, such as a sunset on holiday.13 Mar 20186 years agoThis comment has been flagged
charlotteMoney can help us to be happy but not provide us with happiness, we should always be thankful for what we already have no matter how small20 Feb 20186 years agoThis comment has been flagged
sparkyMoney cannot buy hapiness but the obtaining such sums of money required in this statement can. Most Most goals involve jobs that pay well.12 Dec 20177 years agoThis comment has been flagged
yunqiaoWhen we work towards our goals and achieve all we want, then we are happy. So money cannot always buy us happiness, makes us easier to waste11 Dec 20177 years agoFlag comment for review
megsBeing rich and sad is not as great as being poor and happy. It is okay, but then you will think - why am I not happy, I am rich enough?3 Nov 20177 years agoThis comment has been flagged
unicorngalNah family and friends are way more important . Lots of fun stuff you can do for free3 Nov 20177 years agoFlag comment for review
danielleharrietPlenty of rich people are unhappy, but i definitely think money makes life easier.1 Nov 20177 years agoFlag comment for review
soufalaTrue happiness, as a state of mind of well-being comes from the individual, not from his or her circumstances.11 Jul 20231 year agoFlag comment for review