trimazRegardless of the economic impact of football, nurses are underpaid and under praised for the wonderful work they do every day!22 May 20246 months agoFlag comment for review
trimazRegardless of the economic impact of football, nurses are underpaid and under praised for the wonderful work they do every day!22 May 20246 months agoFlag comment for review
magwinyaI think footballers help save us in terms of entertainment, whereas, nurses help us with our lives15 Nov 20231 year agoThis comment has been flagged
magwinyaI think footballers help save us in terms of entertainment, whereas, nurses help us with our lives15 Nov 20231 year agoThis comment has been flagged
magwinyaI think footballers help save us in terms of entertainment, whereas, nurses help us with our lives15 Nov 20231 year agoThis comment has been flagged
michaeldengThere are billions of people who play and watch football, yet only a few thousand are at the top level. However, everybody can be a nurse.10 Oct 20213 years agoThis comment has been flagged
gryffindor_harrypotterfanI personally don't watch football,I read instead. Fave book in my nickname. I think the NHS deserve more because they save lives5 Mar 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
jack_is_noice.i personally don't watch football but without the NHS we would all be at great risk , but no one will die from not watching football?1 Mar 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
gnagYou know a lot of the time footballers do not get paid a lot. Sure there are the top earners that earn millions but they’re not all rich25 Feb 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
savannahjasminenurses-being women- and footballers being men19 Feb 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
savannahjasmineNurses do manage to save people and footballers do just play football but people are basing this off the gender steryotypes-19 Feb 20213 years agoFlag comment for review
jeffthepotato4lifeNurses save peoples lives but people might rely on sport to make them happy and without it it leads to mental heath issues then suicide?30 Dec 20203 years agoThis comment has been flagged
beth2008nurses work tirelessly to keep people alive9 Jan 20204 years agoThis comment has been flagged
duh?!this question is not only complex but misleading, there are a great deal more nurses than FBs, people choose to spend their money on FBs...9 Sep 20195 years agoThis comment has been flagged
alexkNurses work tirelessly to support and treat patients, working long hours and having to work through holidays, they deserve better pay.28 Oct 20186 years agoThis comment has been flagged
jdodger29The practice of free enterprise allows any safe business as it benefits everyone through taxation. The NHS should be better funded.18 Sep 20186 years agoThis comment has been flagged
marcobhakar*paid17 Sep 20186 years agoThis comment has been flagged
marcobhakarNurses should be payed more than more than footballers as vitally they actually make a differences in contrast to entertainment and fame.17 Sep 20186 years agoThis comment has been flagged
toryboi101Nurses pay is limited as its paid through hard working tax payers. Footbal players are in a private market where they return a profit.17 Sep 20186 years agoFlag comment for review
ryanfranktinezNurses shouldnt get paid more than footballers as footballers are part of a business that creates a lot of revenue and are paid through it.17 Sep 20186 years agoFlag comment for review
corey smithAlthough it is undoubted that nurses are more 'useful', the pay of private individuals shouldn't be regulated in such a way.16 Sep 20186 years agoFlag comment for review
joe1I think nurses should be paid more however this is not how the free market works. Maybe government intervention is needed to sort this out.16 Sep 20186 years agoFlag comment for review
17gc3966Nurses are far more vital than footballers, but who has the right to choose who gets paid what, people are paid due to supply and demand.14 Sep 20186 years agoFlag comment for review
blueravenNurses are out saving life and caring for those who can’t care for themselves why should someone who kicks a ball around earn more money!!7 Mar 20186 years agoThis comment has been flagged
charlotteA fraction of the money footballers are paid could be given to the NHS and pay healthcare workers a higher salary20 Feb 20186 years agoThis comment has been flagged
charlotteFootballers provide us with awarness for many charities yet they do not save lives. The amount of money footballers are paid is ridicilous20 Feb 20186 years agoThis comment has been flagged
luna_lovegoodNurses save peoples lives and are needed in this world. If we didn't have football then we could survive. Nurses should be paid more.8 Feb 20186 years agoThis comment has been flagged
sparkyNo other sport in the wprld can reach such a global audience and connect with them. Footballe influence society.Thats why they are paid high12 Dec 20177 years agoThis comment has been flagged
sparkyFootball can and will help to change that. The presesnt. Football is working towards helping society into equal sexual and sex rights.12 Dec 20177 years agoThis comment has been flagged
sparkyLook at the future, the 2022 world cup will be held in Quatar. One of the 5 countries in the world to have the death penalty for gays.12 Dec 20177 years agoFlag comment for review
sparkyAt the christmas fpotball match in 1914. Thousands of men put down their guns and played football. Men who where scared where brought hope.12 Dec 20177 years agoFlag comment for review
sparkyI accept that footballers are overpayed. You have to understand though, football can and does change the world. Look at the past first look12 Dec 20177 years agoThis comment has been flagged
dominicFirst of all you can get men nurses so that is wrong but I think that nurses (men&a women) should get more money as they help people.9 Dec 20177 years agoFlag comment for review
megsWatch Emma Watson's 13 minute speech about gender equality. You will learn a valuable lesson from it. Xx5 Nov 20177 years agoFlag comment for review
megsWomen and men should be treated equally, so when they are, nurses will be payed more than men. It will be more fair. Xx5 Nov 20177 years agoFlag comment for review
unicorngalIt would be difficult to completely change the system but would be better if women were paid fairly as a starting point...3 Nov 20177 years agoFlag comment for review
whoisthatFootballers get paid more than other sports. now the system is set up that way I don't know how you'd stop paying them $$$.2 Nov 20177 years agoFlag comment for review
060905Fair is the last word I word I would use to describe the world we live in. True, it is fair for some of us, but not everyone.22 Oct 20177 years agoThis comment has been flagged
060905Nurses save lives and put a smile on people's faces every single day but still, get paid hardly anything compared to footballers.22 Oct 20177 years agoThis comment has been flagged
060905Lets start with footballers. They play for a team and get their faces plastered on posters for billions. Yet, nurses get zero recognition.22 Oct 20177 years agoThis comment has been flagged