Where did Upton Sinclair's novel 'The Jungle' (1906) make a difference?
The 'Licensing Order of 1643' allowed the English Parliament to ban books they didn't agree with. What was the poet, John Milton's reply?
What was banned in Leipzig, Germany as a result of Goethe's book, 'The Sorrows of Young Werther' (1774)?
What did Olaudah Equiano's 'The Interesting Narrative' (1789) stir up?
Mark David Chapman murdered the rock star John Lennon (from The Beatles) in 1980. He said at the time that a particular book had inspired him to kill Lennon. Which book was it?
H. G. Wells' sci-fi novel, 'The War of the Worlds' was performed on US radio in 1938. It was one of the earliest stories about people fighting Martians. But why did it cause such a stir?
Which aircraft did Jules Verne's novel 'The Clipper of the Clouds' (1886) inspire?
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