Could you survive a natural disaster? Take this further

There are lots of ways to solve the problems caused by natural disasters, and plenty of different approaches to understanding and predicting them. If you’re interested in this Big Question, these are some of the university subjects you may enjoy… 

  1. Earth Sciences
    1. Applies theories and techniques from physics, chemistry, materials science and biology to the study of the Earth and the environment. Find out more on their course page  
  2. Geography
    1. Covers pressing issues including environmental change, regional and global inequalities and the development of economies and cultures around the world. Find out more on their course page
  3. Engineering Science
    1. Involves the application of creative reasoning, science and mathematics to real-life problems. Find out more on their course page
  4. Politics, Philosophy and Economics 
    1. Brings together some of the most important approaches to understanding the world around us, including the study of political institutions, policy, economic systems and critical thinking and reasoning. Find out more on their course page

These are just some ideas, and if you are considering Higher Education you should carefully weigh up your options to choose the course and university that are right for you! You could try further suggested reading and resources