The Grand Clone Army of the Republic turns on the Jedi officers with orders from Chancellor Palpatine to neutralise the Jedi order completely.
Two rebellious geneticists decide to combine animal DNA with human DNA to create a new hybrid.
Three children spend their childhood at a seemingly idyllic boarding school, but as they grow up they learn that they’re only replicas of other human beings.
A world-famous pianist with multiple sclerosis asks her geneticist friend to create her a clone so that she can pass on her musical talent when she dies.
Two grieving parents are approached by a fertility doctor who offers to clone their recently-dead son - but on his 8th birthday things go disastrously wrong.
A 13-year-old boy accidentally clones a genius version of himself who he uses to pass all his exams.
Dinosaurs are cloned from fossil DNA and are displayed in a theme park, with disastrous consequences.
Sonmi-451 is a slave cloned to serve humans, who starts a rebellion after she discovers that clones are ‘recycled’ to feed the growing population.
Two people escape from a research facility after learning that they are clones created to be used as organ donors.
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