If you’re a vegetarian you need to be savvy about where animal-based ingredients might sneakily be hiding. Which things aren’t as veggie-friendly as they seem?
If you go vegan, it’s not just about what you put in your mouth - you’ll also have to re-think how you dress. What’s off-limits?
Iron (most commonly found in red meat) is essential for Haemoglobin production, but what lesser-known benefit comes from getting plenty of iron in your diet?
If you’re a vegan you need to make sure you’re getting enough Vitamin B12 to avoid anemia and nervous system damage. What food will give you what you need?
Protein is the thing that your body’s most likely to miss if you give up meat, but what other nutrients do we need to keep an eye on?
Protein isn’t just found in savoury foods - some fruits are particularly high in protein. But which combo has the most?
What’s the recommended protein intake for teenage boys and girls?
Protein is important and it’s harder to come by if you’re not eating meat - so you need to know your stuff. Which of these vegetables has more protein?
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